Antarctica, Schollaert Strait

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Pictures from the Antarctica
Schollaert Strait
Pictures from the Antarctica
Schollaert Strait
Pictures from the Antarctica
Try to get a glimpse of whales
Pictures from the Antarctica
the pattern is unique
Pictures from the Antarctica
the pattern is unique
Pictures from the Antarctica
Full of whales
Pictures from the Antarctica
Whales and icebergs
Pictures from the Antarctica
it is getting cooler
Pictures from the Antarctica
Pictures from the Antarctica
antarctic scenery
Pictures from the Antarctica
Shelf ice
Pictures from the Antarctica
Another breath
Pictures from the Antarctica
Got it
Pictures from the Antarctica
Got it
Pictures from the Antarctica
Schollaert strait scenery
Pictures from the Antarctica
another one
Pictures from the Antarctica
another one
Pictures from the Antarctica
another one
Pictures from the Antarctica
another one
Pictures from the Antarctica
Explorer boat

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